Los Pingos del Taita
version en castellano
Open Sunset

Open Sunset

Male, Chestnut,
Born 02/20/2001
RP 258 | SBA 8114

      • KINGS LAKE
      • GANELON
      • PAGODA
      • APRICOT
      • CARREVI



English Thoroughbred. He won three races as a 2, 3 and 4-year-old in France and in the USA. When he was two years old, he made his debut and claimed the 1st place over 1600m. Longchamp. Imported from France by Haras La Quebrada. He joined Ellerstina in 1998. Sire of more than 30 horses that play in Opens. 

Sire of

  • RULETA: first of Rainbow Corner’s daughters to play polo. She played in Opens when she was three years old (Palermo 99). She suffered a fracture. At present, she is a donor.
  • G. GALERA: G. Pieres’ best pony, Triple Crown ’08, ’09, ’10 and ’11 with G. Pieres (s). BestPlaying Pony at 2010 Hurlingham Open.
  • FOOTSIE: ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08 and ’09 Opens withG. Pieres (s) and with N. Pieres in ’10 and ’11.
  • E. SIMPATÍA: ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08 and ’09 Opens with F. Pieres. Triple Crown ’10 and ’11 with N. Pieres. ’12 final with F. Pieres.
  • ELLERSTINA AJÍ: exported to the USA by Audi team. She played and won the US Open 09 with Marc Ganzi.
  • E. ILUSIONADA: ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08 and’09 Opens with F. Pieres. in ’10 and ’11 with G. Pieres.O. MAGNOLIA: ’06, ’07, ’08and ’09 Opens with F. Pieres. Best Playing Pony at the 2006 Jockey Club Open with F. Pieres. 2 chukkers in the ’08,’09 and ’10 Open finals with J. M. Nero. G. Pieres ’11.
  • OPEN MAMA MIA: great level at training. She played her first tournaments. Delayed due to an injury. At present, Ellerstina’s donor.
  • DOLFINA MILENARIA: ’05, ’06, ’07 and ’08 Opens with A. Cambiaso (2 chukkers in the ’05, ’07 and ’08 finals).
  • SHAPE UP: ’03 to ’07 Opens with F. Pieres.
  • DOLFINA CARIDAD: Best horse at the 2006 Polo Tour Ellerstina. Palermo Open ’07 final with M. Aguerre. Exported to the UK. Best Playing Pony of 2010 British Gold Cup.
  • ORIENT BAY: Palermo Open with F. Pieres. Sold to Alfio Marchini.
  • CHALO COMPINCHE: ’05, ’06 , ’07 and ’08 Palermo Open with B. Castagnola.
  • E. SONRISA: ’06, ’07 and ’08 Opens with F. Pieres. 2009 Qualifying Tournament.
  • E. TOPACIO: ’06 and ’07 Opens with F. Pieres. USA ’09 and ’10 with F. Pieres.
  • E. BANGUARDIA: ’07 and ’08 Opens with F. Pieres. USA ’09 and ’10 with F. Pieres.
  • O. LUNA NUEVA: 2008 Triple Crown with G. Pieres (s). 2009 Qualifying Tournament.
  • E. BARULLO: ’06 and ’07 Opens with P. M. Donough. Irenita’s stallion.
  • E. ARVEJA: Triple Crown ’08 and ’09 with F. Pieres. N. Pieres ’10 and ’11.
  • OPEN CHECHU: Triple Crown ’09 and ’10 with G. Pieres (s). Exported to the USA.
  • BLACK MAGIC: Triple Crown ’08 with G. Pieres (s). US Open ’09, ’10 and ’11.
  • GRAPPA AMARRETA: Triple Crown ’09 and ’10 with B. Castagnola. Record price at 2009 Polo Tour auction.
  • GRAPPA SUPERIORA: 2008 Triple Crown with G. Pieres (s). Pablo Pieres (s) ’09.
  • GRAPPA ILUSA: 2008 Triple Crown with Jaime G. Huidobro. Exported to the UK.
  • GRAPPA FOGOSA: 2008 Triple Crown with T. Willington. 2010 Triple Crown with P. Pieres.
  • GRAPPA KURNI: 2009 Qualifying Tournament with N. Pieres. Triple Crown ’10 and ’11 with N. Pieres. UK ’12 with N. Pieres.
  • OPEN JULIETA: 2008 Triple Crown with G. Pieres (s). US Open ’09, ’10 and ’11.
  • OPEN SERPENTINA: 2010 Triple Crown with F. and N. Pieres.
  • GETE FURIA: 2014 Tortugas Open with Guillermo Caset.
  • YATAY LUNA ROSA: 2014 Tortugas Open with Pablo Pieres (s).
  • EURO DESIMA: 2014 Tortugas Open with Nicolás Pieres.
  • YATAY GLAMOROSA: 2014 Tortugas Open with Pablo Pieres.

He also sired: 

  • E. Optimista, UK 09 with N. Pieres; 
  • Dolfina Bombero, ’05 Open with A. Cambiaso; 
  • Dolfina Comba, ’05 Open with A. Cambiaso; 
  • Yepeta, ’05 Open with B. Castagnola; 
  • E. Galaxia, 2006 Jockey Club Open, US Open ’09; 
  • Fina Raqueta, ’07 Open tournaments, deceased;
  • Fina Iluminada, 2007 Tortugas Open with M. Mac Donough, 2009 Qualifying Tournament with N. Pieres; 
  • Fina Rusa, ’07 Opens, 2009 Qualifying Tournament with N. Pieres; 
  • E. Carpeta, 2009 Qualifying Tournament with T. Willington; 
  • O. Sunset, Carlos de Narvaez’s stallion; 
  • O. Elenco, stallion; 
  • Open Interesada, donor; 
  • Cabo Cámarat, Tibiza and Nariva.